Title Research: "XXX: State of The Union"
Hey blog. Today I will be working on the next step of my opening scene. The next task I have to complete is my title research where I will be watching different opening scenes from different movies in order to find inspiration for my opening sequence. Today I watched "XXX: State of The Union" and few different things catch my attention. The opening scene starts with a close up of Ice Cube as he is walking on a jail hallway while being escorted by two guards in military gear. After the ice cube shot it transitions into animations with multiple titles as well as images that relate to the movie which give us a better idea of what the movie is about. The titles that were included on the opening scene was the name of the movie "XXX: State of The Union" as well as characters name's: Ice cube, Samuel L. Jackson, Willem Dafoe, Scott Speedman, Peter Strauss, among other different actors and Atris. On the opening scene we also got special mentions for those who made up pa...