Planning Blog: Location, Participants, Health, Schedule
Participants: Anthony Villegas Vasquez, Rene Salmeron Reyes, Julian Pacheco
Location: Our group is quite fortunate when it comes to our location. We all have reliable transportation. We also live not too far from each other. Our houses are in good locations. We have chosen to film in Anthony’s area. We’re not sure of the exact location at the moment. Our film will take place at night though.
By 02/20 we will be meeting consistently to properly plan out our filming
By 02/27 we will have begun filming our first takes of the intro sequence
By 03/05 we will have filmed everything and will soon begin editing
After these dates there are a few things still to be done. We will be editing the video alongside preparing for the CCR.
Health: For the most part our film shouldn’t be too dangerous. We are filming at nighttime so we will have to make sure that when we are on the street to check both sides of the road for any cars coming by. We also have to include a scene where a guy gets kidnapped so we will make sure that nothing dangerous happens during the scene When walking along the sidewalk we also have to make sure to be safe.
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